Wednesday, March 13, 2019

When All Hope Is Lost #MarchMadnessSale

When All Hope Is Lost
$2.99 thru March 31

Lady Olivia is a woman bereft—she’s lost the man she loved, her home of nearly forty years, and her title. Never one to back down from a fight, this time she walks away. There’s nothing left for her in London. She plans to live out the rest of her solitary life at a quaint little estate near Brighton.

Until the unthinkable happens and the man of her dreams walks through her front door.

The last book in the Reluctant Grooms Series. I loved writing this book. I loved how it twisted and turned and dropped me on my face. I loved the ending. Where I tied everything up in a nice little bow. But did I? (Which is where the Ladies of Dunbury starts, but that's another blog post.)
John Quiggins (before)

John Quiggins, if we remember, is an enigmatic character who was raised by Missionaries in the Far East. John can speak several languages, and worked for a General in the Army, before becoming a spy for the Foreign Ministry. Unfortunately, his cover was blown and he had to return to England, where he was hidden away as a "butler" at Wakefield-by-the-Sea, the Duke of Cantin's summer home. Everything was fine until he met Lady Olivia Leighton, Duchess of Caymore, the most powerful woman in England.

Lady Olivia Leighton,
Duchess of Caymore
When Lady Olivia meets John Quiggins, it's love at first sight for the old bird. Olivia understands her romance with John is particular, and temporary, but when they return to London, Olivia realizes she needs John more than she wanted to.

Lt. Col. Henry Wade,
Marquess of Dunbury

When Henry (Olivia's old flame) returns from the wars, Olivia wants him back, but he's in love with her cousin Catherine, (who, coincidentally, looks exactly like a younger version of Olivia.)

With the war still raging, John is suddenly called back to duty, and Henry is going with him, and theoretically, Olivia could lose both of the men she loves.

Lady Catherine Gantry

Talk about a love quadrangle.
I wanted everyone to have a happily-ever-after, but I also wanted enough tension to last through the next series.

I also found some great pics of what I think Seaford could be. I loved this place, I loved writing this part of the story.

Seaford rear garden
I cannot remember where this is, other than England. I loved this place.

I wanted Olivia to have peace and quiet to grieve her losses. I can't tell you how many people said I made them cry. I wanted people to see her vulnerability. I mean, my God, the poor woman lost everything. Her name, status, title, money, reputation, home, and both of the loves of her life. It's no wonder she went a little cray-cray in the end.

The river where Olivia wanted
to bury the dog

However, I can't write a book and not have a happy ending, but I won't spoil it for you. In the end let's just say Lady Olivia gets what she deserves.

Image result for meryl streep without makeupI liked writing this book, because I also got to show Lady Olivia in a different light. She was not the pushy, meddlesome, matchmaking, pain-in-the-arse, or was she a political, backstabbing, political Parliament pushing wench who couldn't mind her own damn business. In this book, she was just a middle-aged woman starting from scratch on her own--like so many of my middle-aged friends who one day find themselves in the middle of a divorce with no where to go but their parents' for support.

I like Olivia at Seaford because she was free--finally of the lies and the pretense of being someone she truly wasn't. I also liked I got to (subtly) push Societal boundaries in this book. It's not everyday a Duchess wants to marry a commoner.

John Quiggins (after)
**Spoiler Alert**
When John returns, we find a very different man. A man shaped by the love of a child and horrified by what he must do for the family he must now protect. But John's a staid sort of fellow. We know he will do the right thing. 

And that's the story. This is my second favorite book from the series. The Lady's Fate scoring #1 in my heart. However, this book meant a lot when I wrote it, so I hope it shows up on the pages.

On Sale Now
$2.99 thru March 31




Anne Gallagher (c) 2019

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