Monday, November 19, 2018

A New Story

Over the summer, I started toodling around with a new story. As I said previously on the blog, I was having trouble writing Prudence's story. (JUDGING PRUDENCE) I didn't like her, didn't want to tell her story, so I found someone else to care about.

The new story, new characters are not from The Reluctant Grooms, well, except for Dorcas. Lucy, my latest heroine, is friends with Dorcas Cadoret. (LADY CADORET'S LONGING). However, everyone else is new.

I wanted to write something that was a stand-alone novel. Having so much trouble with Prudence, I wanted to write about someone I liked and Lucy seemed to fit the bill. You see, with my mother's illness, I'm having trouble keeping my mind focused on the series arc of The Ladies of Dunbury. I needed to get out of my own way, yet still wanted to write something, anything, to keep me in the writing groove. And with Lucy, I could write a few thousand words and then leave it for a week or two, depending on the time I had. It was nothing to pick up the story thread and weave it however I wanted to.

It's a sweet little story, filled with some intrigue, but not overly ambitious. I haven't found pictures for the characters, nor have I found a cover (but know what I want), am actually still ambivalent about publishing it at all, but it kept me busy over the summer and for that I am grateful.

Perhaps we'll see it after The Ladies of Dunbury is finished. Perhaps before then. Still not sure. I can't seem to get out of my own way these days. But I wanted to let you know that I am still writing. Something.

Anne Gallagher (c) 2018

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