Sunday, February 19, 2017

Dunbury Park is Finished At Last

Thank you for your kind patience. I am pleased to announce Dunbury Park is finished. However, that only means that I wrote The End. Next up is the editing process, then I send it off to my beta readers, then revisions based on their feedback. Hopefully, it shouldn't take longer than a few more weeks for it to go live.

I've uploaded a few pins to Pinterest, and my question is when did it get so hard to do that? I had to scrap the board several times, deleted pins only to upload again... I have no idea why they make such a simple task so completely impossible to do. (Or perhaps it's just me.)

Anyway, for those of you who aren't on Pinterest (or don't care to click around to find my boards) here are some of the pictures I uploaded (and a few more that weren't because I hate wasting time on things I can't do.)

Lady Faith Curtiss

Peter Williams

Bryan Thorpe, Earl of Helmsway
Henry Wade,
Marquess of Dunbury
Lady Catherine Gantry

St. Michael's Parsonage
Dunbury Park

Timothy Cartwright
Lady Mary Boyle, sister to
Lady Catherine

Mrs. Partridge
Lady Joanna Carlton,
Duchess of Cantin
Stephen Carlton,
Duke of Cantin

Tom Blackmoore

Sally Jenkinson

Obviously, I can't seem to work the Blogger format either.

Well, that's all the news I have for now. I'll keep you posted.

Anne Gallagher (c) 2017

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