I haven't done one of these posts in a long while, so I thought I would.

Timothy Cartwright first appeared in DUNBURY PARK as an extra character. As we all know, Catherine Gantry is cousin to Lady Olivia, who knows
everyone in London, and is friends with Lady Montlake, Timothy Cartwright's aunt. As Timothy is single, when Catherine is given permission to have a summer house party at Dunbury Park, of course she must invite him (with chaperone naturally). Catherine still has five girls to marry off, after all. Mr. Cartwright is surely suitable for one of them.
However, it seems
none of the girls want anything to do with him. He's boring, way too serious, and unfortunately poor. Timothy's waiting for the Earl to die so he can inherit, as he is the heir presumptive. Problem is, old Monty isn't going anywhere soon, and Timothy dotes on his aunt to maintain his standing in Society.
What nobody knows about Timothy is that he's working for the Home Secretary. His "job" is to keep an eye on Henry Wade, who, having returned from the war and rushed through the appointment to become the Minister of London Security, no one in Parliament is sure what Henry will do. Having been such a great military commander, will Henry turn London into a police state? Or will he make a mess of the whole situation? Timothy needs to find out and when Catherine offers an invitation, it's Timothy who convinces Lady Montlake they need to attend the house party. (Lady Montlake isn't crazy about the idea of being cooped up with five single girls for a month at Dunbury Park. Especially
those girls. Lady Montlake doesn't think any of the Ladies of Dunbury are a suitable match for her dear Timothy.)
I originally thought I would marry Timothy off to Prudence, however, she's in love with Alexander Lowell, Viscount Abernathy. There could have been a love triangle, but I decided against it. Having reworked my romantic plot lines, I finally decided to marry him off to ... sorry, I can't tell you. I'm still unsure if the girl I picked for him will actually go through with the scenario I set up. You must realize, characters have a life of their own when they finally take to the page.
Timothy will have a definite place in the next two books of the Dunbury series. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble deciding which two books they will be. I can't make up my mind which girl to marry off next.
Don't forget, the entire Reluctant Grooms Series is half price on Smashwords
https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AnneGallagher )
through the month of July, as well as the first three books in the Ladies of Dunbury Series. If you haven't read them, get them now. This will be the last time for this year these books will be on sale. (Purchase from my page--finding them among the list is daunting. Coupons for half-price will be entered when you click the "buy" button.)
Also, I found out quite by accident, there are several web sites offering several of my books from the Reluctant Grooms series for free as a PDF download. Please don't download them. Not only is it illegal for them to do this, most are often just a scam or a phishing site that only wants to steal your personal information or infect your computer with viruses or malware. I spent the better part of Friday sending DMCA (Digital Management Copyright Act) notices to the offending websites. (Not as easy as it sounds.)
I am off to the beach this week for a much deserved mini-vacation (3 days).
Happy Reading!
Anne Gallagher (c) 2017