In the loop means to be kept abreast of the current situation.
1) I found three lines I wanted to use in my second Regency title. I know that probably doesn't mean much to you all, but I can build a whole story around those lines. Which is exactly how I began my first ever Regency romance THE LADY'S MASQUERADE.
2) I am releasing my contemporary romantic women's fiction under Anne Gallagher. They should be out to all retailers by the end of March.

I really like both of these books. I wrote A REASON TO STAY nine years ago. It was an experiment in the five-act structure. MR. CHARMING started off as magazine articles about three years ago. It took me this long to figure out a plot to go with it. There are several recurring themes in both books. I have two more planned in that series.
3) The man who lives with my daughter and me had an unfortunate accident last Wednesday. My full-time occupation is now nurse, not writer. His injuries are so grievous, I fear it will be sometime before I get back to any kind of writing.
Therefore, this blog will be on hiatus. I do not think I will be back until autumn.
Anne Gallagher (c) 2016