Two summers ago, I wrote and published the final book in the Reluctant Grooms series.
Last summer, I completed the first draft of four novellas and three short stories to go along with the beginning of a detective series I just couldn't get out of my head and if I didn't write it down I would regret it for the rest of my life. (I'm still working on this.)

This summer, I completed a novel I started four years ago--the first in the new Regency romance series--Ladies of Dunbury. I began on July 5th and wrote The End on August 6th. I published early because my editor didn't really have any comments about the manuscript other than my usage of the wrong apostrophe nearly drove her to madness.
I have now begun the process of writing the next book in the Ladies of Dunbury Series.
Lady Faith Curtiss, daughter of the late Duke of Trowbridge, understands the responsibility of a title. However, it doesn’t seem to matter much anymore. Impoverished since her mother’s death, she and her sisters have come to live with their other cousins, all of them orphans and dependent upon their uncle, Henry Wade, the Marquess of Dunbury whose only aim is to marry them off as quickly as possible.
When Faith meets the new curate of the parish, her heart is
seized. Peter Williams is all that is good and kind in a man. He is also
brilliant, handsome, and has made it known he is waiting until her eighteenth
birthday to ask for her hand.
However, her uncle is looking in another direction for
Faith—the Earl-next-door—who is amenable to the idea of marrying into the
Marquisate. Faith rejects the idea of taking her rightful place in Society,
just for propriety’s sake, but the Earl is nearly perfect.
While Faith vacillates on the Earl’s proposal, it seems the
new housekeeper at the parsonage also has her eye on the new curate and with
her title the only thing standing in the way of true love, Faith is torn
between marrying for the money, or fighting for her heart’s desire.
I'll try and keep up with this blog as it warrants, but honestly, I'd rather write than blog. If you don't want to miss a post, you can always sign up to receive them in your inbox. Look on the right hand column to where it says "Subscribe to my posts via email".>>>>>>>>
I tend to post my word counts on Twitter (once I start writing) @gallagher_anne
So if you'd like to keep up with where I am on the book, you can check in there.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you when I do.
Anne Gallagher (c) 2016