Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Earl's .....

Okay, so I've published the "Collection" and everything in my little writing world is hunky dory. I can breathe again, for at least a couple of weeks.

However, as every writer knows, you're only as good as your next book. So it's time to start writing my next book. Which I have. It's about the Earl of Bailey, whom we met in THE LADY'S FATE. He was the guy who played fake fiance to Violet to help her win the Marquess of Haverlane. More or less.

I wrote an outline (something I confess I almost NEVER do). I wrote an important scene (because it came to me while I was painting the ceiling and had to get it on paper -- yes paper -- before I forgot it.) I have the opening line

Gregory Francis Scott, 6th Earl of Bailey, snapped the book closed he had been reading and dropped it on the table with a small thump.

I know, it certainly doesn't sound like much of a beginning, but I promise it does get better.

All that being said, now I need a title. And I mention this only because I don't like the one I've been calling it.


This used to be called THE EARL'S ENIGMA because if you must know, the heroine, Rosamund, truly does get under Bailey's skin. But someone pointed out to me that if you look at it fast (and sometimes I do) it reads as THE EARL'S ENEMA. So I've decided to nix that title.

Then came THE EARL'S ENQUIRY, which was good when I was writing this book with a different plot line. Bailey was asking tough questions about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. But that was when I didn't have Rosamund. Now that I have her, I also have a different plot.

Hence, I need a different title. So I was thinking about THE EARL'S ENGAGEMENT. Which I kind of like because there are several engagements in this book that Bailey must attend to. However, I'm just not sure it truly fits.

As you can tell from my previous novels (not short stories) I'm not really good at titles -- THE DUKE'S DIVORCE, THE LADY'S FATE, THE LADY'S MASQUERADE, THE CAPTAIN'S LADY. Kind of blah, boring, but they do take in the summation of the plot. You know EXACTLY what the book will be about with the title.

(As an aside, for my short stories --novellas if you will -- I like to use the name of the main character in the title. I don't know why, I just do.)

Anyway, for those of you who follow here regularly, if you see THE EARL'S ENGAGEMENT and wonder what happened to ENQUIRY or ENIGMA, they went into the recycle bin.

And if any of you have an idea for an "E" word that fits with THE EARL'S .... please share. I'm not good with titles.

Now I'm off to study the dictionary.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Romantic Regency Collection is Published

Yes, I know, it's about time. But my latest endeavor A Romantic Regency Collection is finally up and running on Amazon.

Here's the cover copy.

In this Romantic Regency Collection, Anne Gallagher takes the novellas you love and puts them together in one volume. With added content to enhance the stories you already know, she’s also included another short novella LADY CADORET’S LONGING, written exclusively for this collection.

A WIFE FOR WINSBARREN – A bumbling Viscount searches for a wife and a friend convinces him to place an ad in the newspaper to find one. Now with added chapters to include more of Rowena’s story.

LOVE FINDS LORD DAVINGDALE – Lord Davingdale wants nothing to do with women until he meets the enigmatic Miss Ophelia Trent. This short novella was written as the companion piece to A HUSBAND FOR MISS TRENT. Now for the first time, the two have been combined to give you both points of view in the same story.

ROMANCING LADY RYDER – Lord Greenleigh is not what he appears to be in Society. His other life – as a spy for the Foreign Office. When he meets the lovely Lady Ryder, will she spill all his secrets?

LADY CADORET’S LONGING – Lady Dorcas Cadoret, secretly engaged these five years to her childhood sweetheart, is overwhelmed with grief when Peter is killed in action two weeks before his commission is over. His brother, Daniel, is very kind, and rumors abound there is more to his attention than just being her guardian angel.
            As they share a forbidden kiss, Dorcas thinks it is Peter’s lips upon hers and Daniel is overwrought by feelings he should not be having about his late brother’s fiancée. Can Dorcas find a way to love Daniel for himself or will Peter’s memory haunt Daniel and Dorcas forever?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Home Stretch

It's certainly been a harried last few weeks trying to get the old house straightened out, but we're coming into the home stretch and by the end of this week, it will be finished and put up for sale. (I'd like to add "even if it kills me" but I have some dodgy ladder work to do in the kitchen, and I don't want to tempt fate.)

I haven't been writing per se, because I don't have the time, however, I have been taking notes and I've been working on the synopsis for THE SEDUCTION OF MR. SUMMERVILLE. That book will not probably be written until next year sometime, but it's good to write notes down now, so I don't forget what I want to do with it.

I've also done some writing on THE EARL'S ENQUIRY. Funnily enough, it was a very serious, very important conversation that happens between Lady Olivia and the Earl of Bailey. I hadn't planned it that way, but sometimes that's how it happens in the writing biz. One minute you're spilling out the first line, the next you're working on the most important scene in the book with nothing in the middle. But it all works out when you get to write THE END.

But first, yes, I must get to the edits on A ROMANTIC REGENCY COLLECTION. It shouldn't take long once I stick my mind to it, the problem is, waiting for the time. The old house was supposed to be finished last week, but with every contractor I've ever known, no one finishes on time, least of all me. And it's not that I have a lot to do, I don't. A little bit of painting, some trimwork, the floor of the deck and the bathrooms, and that's it. The weather has broken as well, so it won't be as hot or muggy and the painting will go smoothly. The COLLECTION will probably be released around the 21st if everything goes well.

As for everything else, one day at a time.

So that's what's going on and where I've been. Thanks for stopping by.